- 12:13 砍柴
作者/岳飞 翻译/许渊冲
Full River Red
Wrath sets on end my hair;
I lean on railings where I see the drizzling rain has ceased.
Raising my eyes, Towards the skies,
I heave long sighs,
My wrath not yet appeased.
To dust is gone the fame achieved in thirty years;
Like cloud-veiled moon the thousand-mile Plain disappears.
Should youthful heads in vain turn grey,
We would regret for aye.
Lost our capitals,
What a burning shame!
How can we generals,
Quench our vengeful flame!
Driving our chariots of war, we’d go,
To break through our relentless foe.
Valiantly we'd cut off each head;
Laughing, we'd drink the blood they shed.
When we've reconquered our lost land.
In triumph would return our army grand.
写的一个评论 讲的很客观,能说的都说明白了。农历本身就是个大杂烩,非常杂,关于农历中一年的开始,我还是更认同立春是岁首,因为它与黄道位置绑定,能够动态调整,一般不会有太大变化(公历的岁首原本就是冬至日,因为历史原因被推迟了十天)。而且按照您的说法,如果一年中润了正月,有两个初一,那么怎么算呢?第一个是兔年还是第二个是兔年?如果说虎年是寅年,兔年是卯年,那么现在是壬寅年癸丑月还是癸卯年癸丑月呢?所以说这些东西不能细究,因为它本身就是非理性的社会性的东西,就跟说(shuo)服取代了说(shui)服一样,它们没有正确答案,我们只能选择相信某种看法,同时注意这种看法本身,在若干年之后也会成为谬误。