
  • 09:01 下一阶段: 大量压缩博客写作管理时间
  • 09:02 自己造辞库,把好用的词语积累起来
  • 22:05 我要把tg里头的有意义的想法都补上
  • [ ] 23:08 文明的危机Tiger
    降临《你一生的故事》 ^hjkr6h
  • 23:16 #阅读 #写作
    辞海汇集,评注是学习的一种极佳方式。(一边收集文章与成语,一边思考如何应用,把内容转化成自己的) ^jn8bjf
  • [ ] 23:18 #技能 #成长
    PS AI 学习以提升摄影水平到新层级
  • 23:24 #阅读



Daily Quote

What we have once enjoyed deeply we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. (Helen Keller)


Mother to Son

Langston Hughes

Well, son, I’ll tell you:

Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

It’s had tacks in it,

And splinters,

And boards torn up,

And places with no carpet on the floor—


But all the time

I’ve been a-climbin’ on,

And reachin’ landin’s,

And turnin’ corners,

And sometimes goin’ in the dark

Where there ain’t been no light.

So boy, don’t you turn back.

Don’t you set down on the steps

‘Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.

Don’t you fall now—

For I’ve still goin’, honey,

I’ve still climbin’,

And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.


兰斯顿·休斯(马钟元 陈丽敏 译)





















Almost Everyone's Guide to Science (Excerpt)《国民科学须知》(节选)

By John Gribbin 文/约翰·葛瑞宾译/蔡信行

If it disagrees with experiment it is wrong.


The fate of specialists in any one area of science is to focus more and more narrowly on their special topic, learning more and more about less and less, until eventually they end up knowing everything about nothing.


It was in order to avoid such a fate that, many years ago, I chose to become a writer about science, rather than a scientific researcher. The opportunity this gave me to question real scientists about their work, and to report my findings in a series of books and articles, enabled me to learn less and less about more and more, although as yet I have not quite reached the stage of knowing nothing about everything. After thirty years of this, and many books focusing on specific aspects of science, it seemed a good idea to write a general book, giving a broad overview of science, while I am still at the stage of knowing a little bit about most things scientific.为了避免走上这种路,从许多年前起,我自己就选择要成为一位科学写作者,而不是科学研究者。这样我就有机会多多请教真正的科学家他们在做些什么,再把我发现到的东西写成一系列的文章与书,使我能够对愈来愈多的事情都约略有些了解,即便只是达到七窍通了两三窍的境界而已。经过了三十年,也写了很多针对某些科学特殊领域的书之后,对于大多数的科学学问,我仍然处于几乎一窍不通的阶段。我想到,也许写一本更一般性的书,对科学做个更宏观的描述,是个不错的好点子,那我不是很快就能涉猎到更宽广的科学领域了吗?

Usually, when I write a book the target audience is myself - I write the book about, say, quantum physics, or evolution, that I wish somebody else had written for me so that I would not have had to go to the trouble of finding things out for myself. This time I am writing for everybody else, in the hope that there will be something here for almost everyone to enjoy. If you know a little quantum physics (or even a lot), you may find here something you didn't know about evolution; if you know about evolution, you may find something new to you about the Big Bang, and so on.


So, although I am aware of the ghost of Isaac Asimov looking over my shoulder (I hope with approval) at such a wide-ranging project, this is not 'John Gribbin's Guide to Science', but a guide for almost everyone else. A guide not so much for fans of science and the cognoscenti but more a guide for the perplexed - anyone who is vaguely aware that science is important, and might even be interesting, but is usually scared off by the technical detail.


You won't find such technicalities here (they have all been removed by my co-author, who has kept my wilder scientific extravagances in check and has ensured that what remains is intelligible to a lay-person). What you will find is one person's view of how science stands at the end of the twentieth century, and how the different pieces fit together to produce a coherent, broad picture of the Universe and everything it contains.


The fact that the pieces do fit together in this way is something you might miss from focusing too closely on one aspect of science, such as the Big Bang or evolution, but it is an extremely important feature of science. Both evolution and the Big Bang (and all the rest) are based on the same principles, and you can't pick and choose which bits of the scientific story you are going to accept.


I often receive communications from people who, for one reason or another, cannot accept the special theory of relativity, which tells us that moving clocks run slow and moving rulers shrink. Sometimes these people struggle desperately to find a way around this, while still accepting everything else in science. But you cannot. The special theory of relativity does not stand in isolation, as a theory about moving clocks and rulers, but comes into our understanding of, for example, the way mass is converted into energy to keep the Sun shining, and how electrons behave inside atoms. If you threw away the bits of the theory that seem to refute common sense, you would be left with no explanation of why the Sun is shining or of the periodic table of the elements. And this is just one example.


As I hope this book will make clear, everything fits together in the modern scientific world view. This scientific world view is the greatest achievement of the human intellect, and the power of that achievement stands out more dearly from a look at the broad picture than it does from too close attention to any one detail.


There are two remarkable, interconnected features of the scientific world view that are often overlooked, but are well worth pointing out. The whole thing has taken only about four hundred years to develop (starting from the time of Galileo, which seems as good a moment as any from which to date the beginning of modern scientific enquiry). And it can all be understood by a single human mind.


Maybe we cannot all understand every bit of the scientific world view; but quite a few individual human beings can, even though people have such limited lifespans. And although it may take a genius to come up with an idea like the theory of evolution by natural selection, once that idea is formulated it can be explained to people of average intelligence -- often provoking the initial response, 'How obvious; how stupid of me not to have worked that out for myself.' (This was, for example, pretty much Thomas Henry Huxley's reaction when he first read Charles Darwin's Origin of Species.) As Albert Einstein said in 1936, 'The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility.'
